
The Akkuschraubenrenne (German for electric-screwdriver-race) is a race in which teams of design or engineering students compete against each other. Every two years, each team develops a vehicle powered solely by a cordless drill.
To spice things up every race comes with a different technological challenge. That year the challenge was that every vehicle´s load-bearing middle part had to be 3D printed and 50cm long.

Thanks to the kind support of the DLR, we were could create our 3d part entirely out of Aluminium.

Another specificity of the vehicle was the ingenious tilt steering system which we developed from scratch to gain stability in the curves. In this project, we adopted a radical empiric approach in which we created 1-1 working prototypes to leave no room for uncertainty

The long hours spent in the metal workshop bore its fruits, with a top speed of 28,4km/h, we made to the third place (but honestly we could have won).