
We are closer to being no­madic than one would think. Unlike our nomadic ances­tors, most of us live in unmovable permanent buildings. Yet, the building itself doesn’t make anyone feel at home. Without anything to occupy a permanent building, like furniture or decoration, they are just empty shells. So what we call home is rather the personal arrangement that one does in a building rather than the building itself. The house or building we live in is without the inkling of a doubt the one thing which is permanent and unmovable but the inside of it remains mobile. Coincidently, the modern word for furniture in a number of European languages refers to movement: see mobili in Italian and meuble in French. whereas the word for building refers to the opposite, immobility see immeuble in French.

Just like our nomadic ancestors, we build ourself camps. We do it through the activity of arranging our furniture and decoration inside a permanent building. So homes can be carried around. Home isn’t something we build: it is something we take with us. It’s a camp we build for ourselves within a building we call ‘home’: a hasty ar­rangement to try to customize the most permanent archi­tecture to fit our needs.


What happens, if for the sake of mobility, our camp is reduced to a minimum?

The result a light and foldable items which are, thus, easy to carry around to accompany people in any new dwelling place. A table inspired by a traditional Japanese dining table It has the advantage to be low, so lightweight while offering the possibility to work on it and accommodate a dinner for up to four people.

The items put together using only traditional joinery. This way the mounting remains fairly easy and doesn’t require the use of any tool.